Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Planned Parenthood doesn't want you to know

"I'm going to be 14 later on this month"

Personnel from Life Dynamics, based out of Texas, where secret recording of telephone conversations is legal, called 800 abortion clinics around the nation using the following scenario. The caller claiming to be a 13-year old girl who was pregnant by her 22-year old "boyfriend" asked the clinics if they did abortions. The information the girl gave indicated obvious evidence of child abuse, since the caller was a minor and the "boyfriend" was an adult. However, in over 90% of the calls, abortion clinics around the country counseled the girl not to mention the "boyfriend's" age or bring him to the abortion clinic. Here is the content of some of the calls:

Girl: "It's just we don't want a whole lot of people to know about us. Would he have to sign anything?"
Planned Parenthood: "yeah, but I just...don't, don't talk about his age."

Planned Parenthood: "When you go to Norwich, you're going to want to give them a call. Don't tell them that information."
Girl: "then it will be okay?"
Planned Parenthood: "If you do not say the age of your partner."
Girl: "okay."
Planned Parenthood: "Okay, otherwise there's going to be a lot of stuff going on that you're probably not going to want to have happen."

Girl: "They won't ask anything about him?"
Planned Parenthood: "I’m not going to...I’m going to pretend I didn't hear that, okay?"
Girl: "okay."
Planned Parenthood: "don't even bring that up, okay."
Girl: "even if he's taking me there?"
Planned Parenthood: "no, no, don't even go there, don't even bring it up."

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